Pastor’s Corner

Testimony of:  Dennis Fabro

Faith: Born Again Christian – Year 8/1998

Church: Great Commission Fellowship, Fullerton


I found the Lord during a dark time in my life, 1998.  In the year of 1998 I found myself trying to hold on to my family. Because of the character I lived, my marriage began to dissolve. One day on my 12 year anniversary, my wife asked for a divorce. I could not understand why, but I know it was because of me. I was possessive, jealous and over demanding. 12 years of this life, finally with two children my wife had enough and asked for a divorce.  I had no idea on what was happening.

God’s hand began to mold me.  During this time (4weeks) I turn to family for support. No matter how much they comforted me I could not find resolve in my situation. I was empty, my family was broken. I struggled in finding the answer through counseling, family and friends. None was found.  Than one day my brother asked me to do something. This something changes the situation.

My brother asked me, take a bag (imaginary) open it and empty all your worries in than place it outside of your and let God take it from you.  I thought it was so dumb and so uncalled for. However, my brother told me what I have to loose. So I did it. As I did it I began to tear and I began to really empty all my worries into this imagery bag. My brother asked if I was done, I yes and than we placed it outside the door. We prayed and we waited. It felt good.  Than I began to read the bible every chance I had. What I found was the key to why my marriage was dissolving. It was me.  God showed me that it started with me not with my wife or the situation. It was with me.  As I began to fix myself, I began to go to church (by myself). For 6 weeks I was alone in the pew. I cried at every praise and worship song. In those pews I ask God to hold me.

Every Sunday I would ask my wife to go with me to church. She would always decline saying, I am doing so that she will change her mind. Maybe it was. One day I struck a bargain with her.  I told her, if she was to go with me today to church, and if afterwards there is no change in her heart than I will accept the separation.  In the same pew that I cried in my wife now stands next to me. As the praise and worship started I began to pray for God’s hand to change my wife’s heart. In my tears, with my eyes close I felt my wife’s hand hold my hands for the very first time in eight weeks. My heart jumped with joy. For I knew that God has answered my prayers and that our marriage is now with the Lord.  That day I gave my heart fully to the Lord. I was baptized in water April of 1999, Easter.

We have been married 32 years. We have three daughters and one son: Déjà, 29; Dakota 25; Del’Angela 19; and Grant 13.


Praise Him for the Glory is His.


Our cornerstone verses as a family:


Matthew 22:37-39  Jesus spoke

  “Love the Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the greatest commandment. And the second is like it; Love your neighbor as yourself.”


Matthew 28:19  Jesus spoke

 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of age.”


We believe as a family that Jesus is Lord and Savior and that our purpose in Him is to tell the world of the Gospel. That He is Lord, he sent His son to us to die for us. He rose again on the third day and than ascended to the heavens leaving us the Holy Spirit. The Gospel is the reason that we do what we do. We believe that every God event, study, service is for us to tell those of the Gospel and than to invite those to accept the free gift of salvation.  It is about His Grace and nothing else.


God Speed, may we glorify Him always.


In His service, I love you period

Pastor Dennis Fabro.